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Corso San Gottardo, 3 – 20136 Milano

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(+39) 02 58107732

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Mon – Sat: 9-12.30, 15-19

Cycling Lab


through the appropriate positioning of markers on the cyclist;


physical assessment

aimed at evaluating the joint mobility of the spine, lower limbs, any dysmetrias, postural alignment;


aimed at detecting the average and maximum pressure values, on the front and rear of the saddle and the movement of the body’s center of gravity;

From 1 March 2023 Ortholabsport offers a bike fitting service aimed at all those who use:

Road Bike
Gravel Bike

It is also directed to all those who wish to:

  • relieve painful symptoms while using the bicycle;
  • enjoy the cycling activity in the most comfortable way possible;
  • improve sports performance;
  • increase endurance on long rides.

The bike fitting service includes the following phases:

  • interview

    aimed at knowing the cyclist's goals, the training load, the present and past pathologies;

  • physical assessment

    aimed at evaluating the joint mobility of the spine, lower limbs, any dysmetrias, postural alignment;

  • prefit detection

    through the appropriate positioning of markers on the cyclist;

  • positioning of the cyclist on the saddle

    on the basis of the medical history, the physical assessment, the athlete's goal and the video analysis, with adjustment, if necessary, of:

    • saddle | handlebar | cleats

  • optimization of the transfer of force

    between the foot and the pedal based on the biomechanics of the foot;

  • mapping of the saddle

    aimed at detecting the average and maximum pressure values, on the front and rear of the saddle and the movement of the body's center of gravity;

  • post-fit detection

  • reporting

The service is supported by 3D technology, with six highly advanced cameras that allow the real-time acquisition of the cyclist’s movement and the analysis of biomechanical data.

Fill the form and Book your assessment  


For the bike fitting session, the cyclist must bring:

The mapping of the pressure loads on the saddle is made using Gebiomized technology. The system consists of a cover with 64 sensors that is placed on the saddle. Thin and flexible, it does not interfere with the cyclist’s posture and allows the pressure of the saddle to be measured both in the static and in the dynamic phase, during pedaling. The data is transmitted in real time to the computer via wireless.

tecnologia Gebiomized

The bike fitting session lasts approximately 2 and a half hours.


Furthermore, at our centre, it is possible to create custom-made carbon fiber insoles for cycling, based on the analysis of the biomechanics of the foot, in order to:

  • improve sports performance;
  • optimally stabilize the ankle;
  • optimize the force transmitted from the foot to the pedal;
  • ensure correct foot placement.

Those activities are performed by our staff who have high technical skills, in particular by orthopedic technicians and osteopaths, specialized in bike fitting.